From the mind of a mild mannered maniac

Posts tagged ‘ice cream’

Ice Cream Dreams

I have no idea why, but as I sat down to write on this cold wet blustery Autumn evening, visions of Summer and Ice cream invaded my mind. So, here’s the result, a short little tale called…

Ice Cream Dreams

Photo courtesy of

Frenchie Smith paused in front of Shamisen’s ice cream emporium, jingling coins and grinning from ear to ear. He could almost taste that Rocky Road waffle cone, already.
As witnessed by high-pitched laughter, and an overloaded bike rack, School was out, and Summer was in full swing.
He propped his bicycle against the light pole and sauntered into the crowded store.
Spike and Andy, his two best buddies, were already ensconced in there favourite booth, closest to the doorway. Both were chowing down on humongous double dips and hadn’t yet noticed his arrival.

He stood in line, almost drooling at the appetizing aromas. All but oblivious of the jostling and shoving of impatient patrons. By the time he had procured his favourite treat, Spike and Andy had laid waste to theirs, and were chatting in conspirational tones. It was no secret that all three boys had a keen interest in a certain young lady, who was, at that very moment, serving behind the counter.

“Jeese why don’t you guys just go talk to her?” Frenchie licked at a wayward drip of chocolatey goodness, “She’s just a girl, she wont bite you” he chided. Strong words for a guy who was far too shy to approach her himself.

“Just a girl,” Andy growled, “have you looked at her lately?”

Frenchie glanced over at Cindy Sykes, who was smiling angelically as she handed a customer their change. Hmm all that time sitting across from her in English, and he’d never noticed just how pretty that smile really was before or just how lovely her wavy blonde curls as they brushed gently against a rosy cheek.

Just then Cindy looked in his direction and waved. Was it just him, or had her megawatt smile seemed intensified momentarily there?
Spike, laughed sarcastically and jabbed him in the hip.

“Just a girl eh?”

Frenchie grinned sheepishly.

Andy sighed, “I asked her to the School dance, last month, she turned me down flat, Man“

“Yep me too”, added Spike. “She wouldn’t be interested in dudes like us, she’s super popular”

Frenchie glanced back over at the counter. Cindy was talking animatedly with a little girl as she scooped mint chocolate chip ice cream. He knew the guys were right, but that smile had seemed quite genuine. He shrugged and finished his cone.

After his two schoolmates left, he sat there quietly and drank in the sights and sounds. He was deep in thought, when someone gently nudged his shoulder. He looked up into a pair of deep Hazel eyes.

“Hi,” Cindy Sykes’ amused expression was like a dream. “I’m just on break, mind if I join you?”

He tried to turn his shocked expression quickly into a disarming smile.
“Err yeah sure, why not.”

She took the seat across from him.

“I’m Cindy Sykes, we were in English Lit together, Mr Hogans class?”

Frenchie nodded, “I’m Frenchie erm Frank Smith, Frenchie’s what my friends call me.

“Mind if I call you Frenchie then?”

He gave her his own multi-megawatt smile. “No problem”

“Great, Thanks Frenchie, she took a sip of her soda, “I’ve been trying to get up the nerve to talk to you, for ages, but your friends are always with you.”

“Wow really?” He couldn’t believe his ears, she, the most popular girl in school was too nervous to talk to him? Then he heard himself say, “Wanna know a secret? I wanted to talk to you too, but they told me you were too popular to be interested in me.”

When she laughed, those big beautiful eyes twinkled like the starry night sky.
He marvelled at how easy she was to talk to, and how much they had in common.

This was going to be the best Summer ever!

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